Full Spectrum Laser’s custom laser software Retina Engrave 3, known as RE3, is a robust program equipped with a diverse range of functions meant to harness the full potential of our machines. This article is meant to provide you an in-depth understanding of Retina Engrave.
This Article will break down each feature and provide practical examples for every function. By the end of this guide you should be equipped with the knowledge needed to create and set up projects on RE3. We will cover the RE3 interface and how to use RE3 to run your first project.
Menu bar and Settings tools:
The main toolbar and the green settings icons are important tools when using RE3. Both the File tab and the import settings can be used to import objects onto the workspace. The File tab can also create new projects, export and load projects to and from your computer, and sync your workspace to your machine.
The Settings tools display information about the laser, rotary, and networks setting. The default parameters and certain menu functions can also be altered here, do not change these functions unless instructed to by a support personal.
The Materials tool will open a materials window. By selecting your machine, you will be able to save and load laser settings for certain material.
Drawing tools:
The blue Drawing tools are used to adjust and add more elements to the project. The Shape Tool can be used to add vector polygons. The Path tool can be used to create a vector path along your workspace.
The Knife tool to cut vector objects in the workspace. Select the knife tool and left-click the mouse to draw a straight line along the object.
The object will be broken into two paths that can be selected and altered.
Monograms are stylized letters decals with smaller decals around it. By selecting the Monogram icon, the Monogram menu will appear. From there you can choose a letter template and write text within (up to 20 characters). Once you're done select the Ok option to import the monogram into your workspace.
Select the Text tool and then select a spot on the workspace to place the text. A small text box will appear. When selecting the text, the Appearance window will become visible on the right sidebar. The font, weight, size, and alignment can be adjusted here.
The pink section holds the Viewing tools. Here you can be used to increase or decrease the size of a project, while the orange orientation tools are used to adjust your objects orientation.
Adjusting the Laser Properties:
Vector and raster objects have different property windows visible in the right sidebar, only when an object of that type is selected. Both power and speed are percentage based adjustments. Power is determined by the Wattage chosen at the moment of purchase.
Raster objects are imported with a dither type, which determines how the software renders the image. The dithering method can be changed before running a job. The uploaded image will not change from 100 DPI regardless of the image quality, however the resolution when engraved can be adjusted in the Resolution category. Additionally, rastered objects have an invert option for engraving on certain materials.
Vector objects have two sections, the Vector Fill & Rasterize section and the Vector Engraving Parameters section.
The In-fill pattern and the spacing between the lines can be changed manually from the Infill section. Additionally, you can control how infills are generated using Generate.
If you want to use a raster function on your vector, such as inversion, then you will want to rasterize it. When rasterized, a raster group is formed and vector objects can still be selected and edited in RE3.
Grouping Tools:
Objects in your workspace can be grouped together using the Group Selection tool and ungrouped using the Ungroup Selection tool.
When grouping Vector objects together, you can also create compound objects using the Compounding tool. The compounding tool has four compounding options: Union, Subtract, Intersection, and Difference.
When importing or making an object in the workspace they are saved in layers. These layers are saved in the order in which they were made and are engraved in this order. It is important to note that raster layers are programmed to engrave first. The Layer order can be viewed from the left sidebar. The pink Layer tools can be used to make an object later ahead of or behind another layer to engrave sooner.
The final grouping icon is to convert a text image into a path. We will talk more about paths and how they work in another article.
Workspace Tools:
The orange Focus test tool, present only in Galvo machines. It is used to check your machine's focus and adjust it to the correct focus distance.
The Camera and Vectorize tools are only present on machines that come with a camera, such as the Muse 3D, Titan and Galvo machines. The Camera tool will take a camera capture of your workspace to show the general area of your material. The Capture method varies by machine, therefore we recommend checking your manual. If a drawing or text is visible during the camera capture, the Vectorize tool can trace the image and engrave it onto a material placed on the same position as the image.
Use the Preview or Perimeter tools will prompt the laser diode to trace the perimeter of your object. Moving or changing the object in the workspace will also change the size of the perimeter preview. Stop to preview and restart to see any chances made. Once the perimeter lines up with your material start the job using the play icon.
The Watch tool will give an estimated job time.
The Play tool will start you engraving. While the engraving is in progress the Play tool will be replaced with the Pause and Stop tools. The pause tool will stop your engraving until you reselect play, while the Stop tool will end your engraving immediately.
Still having Issues?
Please create a Support Ticket by using the button below or sending an e-mail to support@fslaser.com stating you've done all previous troubleshooting steps.
- When submitting via an e-mail you may attach any pictures, videos and project files needed for support to see.
- When submitting a ticket using the button below please either respond to the automated generated email stating we have received the ticket with your pictures, videos and project files or upload these to a Google Drive or Dropbox folder and include this link within the support ticket "Your Issue" dialog upon creation.