Importing DXF files can sometimes cause them to become fragmented. Certain aspect of the file could cause this to happen. In this article we will discuss the approach that can be used to fix these files:
1. Ensure the absence of overlaps: It has come to our attention that certain files contain overlapping Bezier curves or miniature rectangles instead of distinct lines.
To address this issue, we recommend utilizing the "OVERKILL" feature in AutoCAD. Running this feature as a preliminary step will eliminate all overlapping lines.
2. Employ the AutoCAD "JOIN" command to connect curves: In some cases, the "JOIN" command in AutoCAD may not achieve the desired outcome. If this occurs, proceed to step 3.
3. Utilize the AutoCAD "PEDIT" command to unite disjointed line segments into a single polygon: To accomplish this, it may be necessary to perform the "PEDIT" command multiple times. Select all the broken line segments and employ the "JOIN" and "CLOSE" subcommands within "PEDIT" to ensure a complete closure of the curve.
4. Once the fragmented components have been merged into a single polyline, RE3 can directly import the DXF files.
Summary: Although DXF files will still execute cutting operations, they lack optimization, resulting in irregular movements. AutoCAD is the exclusive software that we have identified with the "OVERKILL" function. While alternative editors can be employed, they typically require manual manipulation of nodes and other time-intensive tasks.
We recommend generating a PDF file, which is the native format for RE3, or using a compatible SVG file. However, DXF files are suitable, especially if they are organized into cohesive groups of full polylines.
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