When the machine does not power on you'll want to check a few things before troubleshooting your power supply and connections inside of the machine.
1. When powering on the machine please make sure that the laser is plugged into its own dedicated and grounded outlet. Turn on the laser by turning the key ignition to the right and twisting the red E-Stop button to the right until it pops out.
2. If the laser still does not power on after checking the ignition and E-Stop button then proceed to take a look at the back of the machine and locate where your power cord is plugged into and unplug it to access your C14 in this area.
3. Directly under the power cable in this area of the machine is the carriage that holds your C14. Pull it out and then pull out the tiny C14 out of the carriage so that you can hold it up to the light and inspect for any burns or cracks in it. If there are burns or cracks in the active fuse then replace it with the spare inside of the fuse carriage and place the carriage back into the location it was pulled from.
4. If the laser still does not power on after checking the ignition, E-Stop button, and fuse then proceed to take a look at the back of the machine where the breaker is located. Please ensure that the breaker is exactly in this position.
5. If the breaker looks like the above mentioned image and there is still no power going to the machine proceed with pushing in the yellow 'T' button (this is your test button). After pressing the test button this should trigger the red tab in the image above to flip down and the gray 'R' button (this is your reset button) to pop out, please see image below. If this happens this is your indicator that your machine is getting power from the outlet and that something else is preventing power from being distributed properly throughout the machine. Please make sure to flip the red tab back up and push the gray reset button back in.
6. If the machine still does not get power to it after checking steps 1-5 proceed with unplugging your machine from the outlet and locate the back side of your key ignition and E-Stop. You should see 2 blocks as seen in the photo below. You should also be able to disconnect these blocks by pushing in the white tab on the side of these blocks and it should pop out.
7. Once removed from the frame of the machine you should be able to look inside of each of these blocks and see 2 press-able buttons that click if you push them down.
8. While pressing the buttons down inspect the side of the block to make sure that the silver clasps inside engage and disengage at the same time. Please see the photo below for an example of what this looks like.
9. If this looks fine you will also want to check and make sure that your 2 AC wires on either side of these blocks is making a clean contact with the metal plating. If they are and the machine is still unable to receive power when it was plugged in then you will need to move these AC wires over to the adjacent empty terminals. If there is silicone glue holding these wires in place proceed to remove the glue to move each wire to the adjacent terminal. Please see the photo below for reference.
10. Once the AC wires have been moved over to the spare terminals proceed with installing this back inside the machine. These blocks should slide back in and click in place. If everything is in place proceed with plugging the machine back up and powering on the machine with the key ignition and E-stop. If the machine still does not receive power to it please proceed with contacting support to further assist troubleshooting your machine.
Still having Issues?
Please create a Support Ticket by using the button below or sending an e-mail to support@fslaser.com stating you've done all previous troubleshooting steps.
- When submitting via an e-mail you may attach any pictures, videos and project files needed for support to see.
- When submitting a ticket using the button below please either respond to the automated generated email stating we have received the ticket with your pictures, videos and project files or upload these to a Google Drive or Dropbox folder and include this link within the support ticket "Your Issue" dialog upon creation.