Once the laser tube is installed the amps released by the Pro series needs to be adjusted. The laser machines comes with attenuators that can adjust the amount of Amps released. The attenuator makes it possible for a machine to run properly with different laser tubes.
A large number of Pro machines come with this beam attenuator dial and milliamp gauge to make the adjust easier. If your machine does not have the beam attenuator dial then the Amps will need to be adjusted from the power supply.
The Amp gauge will be used to adjust the Amps. It is located on the front of your machine next to the ignition switch.
Beam Attenuator Dial:
- Turn on the machine. In order to adjust the milliamps of the machine the machine must be on.
- Check the milliamps. You will need to run a Vector job at 100% power with no material in the work bed and ensure the alignment is done so the beam is aligned through the air cone. During this vector job you will see the mA gauge at a number that the current output is at.
- Adjust the Amps. The Amps should be adjusted to the settings set for the laser tube. Haven't different settings will cause the laser to not fire and could even break the laser tube. Below is a chart that contains the amp settings for your machine.
Still having Issues?
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