In rare cases you may find RetinaEngrave 3 is showing a "Factory Reset" screen with dialog to perform this as your only option. In most cases this isn't needed in fact and we find a web cache mismatch seems to correct this issue in most cases.
In chrome, we can empty this cache only for RE3 software (IP Address to your laser) and when it reloads it's likely this will load into the software correctly. If there is a cache issue or installed chrome extension interfering with RE3 you can also run your web browser in "Incognito" mode to see if this loads as well.
Chrome Empty Cache and Hard Reset
While you have your web browser open you can push "F12" on your keyboard to open the Developer Tools section or by clicking on the three dots in the top-right of chrome and going to More Tools> Developer Tools
Once this window is open it will allow you to Right-Click on your Refresh/Reload web page icon and have more options and you will want to click on "Empty Cache and Hard Reload"
The webpage will refresh and should load right into RE3. If it still does not you may need to perform the factory reset either from the webpage screen as it shows or perform this action under the "Tools" menu on your laser touchscreen. Performing a Factory Reset will delete all projects that are loaded and Wi-Fi settings.
If this does not correct the issue FSL Support may need to remote into your machine to view the machines backend files and cache.
Still having Issues?
Please create a support ticket by using the button below or sending an e-mail to providing the last 4 digits of your MAC address which can be found under Edit> Settings in RE3 or QR sticker on the back of your machine for Muse or on the back of your Touchscreen for a Pro unit and ensure the machine is connected to an internet source so it may ping to us for further troubleshooting.
- When submitting via an e-mail you may attach any pictures, videos and project files needed for support to see.
- When submitting a ticket using the button below please either respond to the automated generated email stating we have received the ticket with your pictures, videos and project files or upload these to a Google Drive or Dropbox folder and include this link within the support ticket "Your Issue" dialog upon creation.