If you need to use the riser, the rotary, or even just want to experiment more with what you can cut, this guide will help you remove the floor panel to expand your reach.
Make sure you have a sturdy, clean, and clear workspace that can hold the weight of the laser system.
Tools Needed-
2.5mm Hex Key
Disconnect the wires and tubing from the rear of the system. Using the endcap provided during shipping- connect the inlet and outlet on the back of the machine to prevent leakage.
Remove the Honeycomb Tray(s) from the workspace area and set aside.
Move the gantry to the front of the workspace. Close the lid.
Now you can either put the system on it's side or flip it over for easier access.
Make sure it is balanced evenly and in no danger of falling over.
Once you can get to the bottom panel of the machine simply use your 2.5mm hex key to unscrew the removable panel only. Set aside the screws in a secure area in case they're needed for reinstallation later.
When screws are removed the panel should slide off and you can set that aside as well.
Flip the machine so the legs are again below it.
Now you can use it in combination with our riser, rotary, or any other project bigger than the workspace.
Make sure to remove the silicone endcap from the inlet/outlet. Reconnect all wires, tubing, and let the water run for at least 1 minute before starting to ensure there are no air bubbles.
Still having Issues?
Please create a Support Ticket by using the button below or sending an e-mail to support@fslaser.com stating you've done all previous troubleshooting steps.
- When submitting via an e-mail you may attach any pictures, videos and project files needed for support to see.
- When submitting a ticket using the button below please either respond to the automated generated email stating we have received the ticket with your pictures, videos and project files or upload these to a Google Drive or Dropbox folder and include this link within the support ticket "Your Issue" dialog upon creation.