2D to 3D Crystal Block Engraving
To start 3D crystal block engraving, access the RetinaEngrave 3D portion of RE3:
- Add /RE3D to the end of your connection address in your browser.
- Example: fslxxxx.local/re3d (replace xxxx with the last 4 digits of your MAC address) or 192.168.##.###/re3d.
Processing Your File
You import a couple different kinds of files by changing job types using the drop down menu on the left hand side.
RetinaEngrave 3D has a built in 2D to 3D function which can get images done in a pinch and is quite simple to run.
This image generation is compatible with .jpg, .jpeg, and .png files and once selected enter the margins for where you want just clear crystal and no engraving.
Three dither options are available, with Option 1 having the most amount of contrast and Option 3 having no contrast (stucki).
Crop and rotate your image for a better placement and clarity of the image.
When using crop/rotate tools, ensure to let it render before processing the image.
Full Spectrum Laser also offers a more refined option using https://image.fslaser.com/ to pay for individual image generation which are great for faces and torsos. These images are saved and can later be altered for different scaling or results.
Using https://image.fslaser.com/
Once the page has loaded, you’ll need to connect your machine by clicking on the cogwheel icon in the top right corner of the page. It will request an access code which can be found under the setup page of your machine. (fslxxxx.local/setup etc)
Click on “Generate Access Code” then copy/paste the code into the designated field within image.fslaser.com. You’ll also need to submit payment option a paypal to input a balance for images to be process using this method
Please input the default username and password listed in the preview to add funds to your account (note: this is not real money). Paid images are saved and can be sized, edited, and regenerated as many times as you’d like without additional payments. This method can generate either .FSL files or .CAD files, both of which can be imported into RetinaEngrave 3D using the “Select Job Type” drop-down menu.
Once you have a file prepared, it’s time to start getting ready to engrave!
Engraving Setup Instructions
1. Select Job Type
- From the "Select Job Type" drop-down menu, choose the type of job you would like to run.
- For this guide, select "Crystal Block: Import .cad File".
2. Specify Crystal Block Size
- Input your X, Y, and Z dimensions in the specified fields.
- Ensure these dimensions match those used on image.fslaser.com.
3. Import .cad File
- Import your .cad file.
- Once the file has loaded, your job parameters will automatically load.
4. Input Job Parameters
- Input the desired job parameters.
FSL Recommended Settings For Each Wattage (Results May Vary)
5w 10w 15w
5. Start Preview
- Start the preview.
- Observe as the laser head moves to its base focus and previews the parameter of the glass block.
- Use a straight edge of paper to help line up the block.
6. Finalize and Start Job
- Select "Stop Preview".
- Proceed to start the job.
Photo to 3D subsurface engraving
Important Note
Ensure your machine is properly calibrated. Accurate calibration is crucial for this function to work correctly, as the 3D space is built based on your calibration.
To calibrate your laser refer to this doc Galvo-Full-Calibration-Step-By-Step-r-2967
Still having Issues?
Please create a Support Ticket by using the button below or sending an e-mail to support@fslaser.com stating you've done all previous troubleshooting steps.
- When submitting via an e-mail you may attach any pictures, videos and project files needed for support to see.
- When submitting a ticket using the button below please either respond to the automated generated email stating we have received the ticket with your pictures, videos and project files or upload these to a Google Drive or Dropbox folder and include this link within the support ticket "Your Issue" dialog upon creation.