Tools Needed:
2.5mm Hex Key
- Clear inner workspace, remove Honeycomb Tray(s), and move unlocked laser head gantry to the front of the machine.
Using the 2.5mm hex key, unscrew the 3 screws at the top of the shroud.
Make sure to keep screws safe for reinstallation later.
- Lean shroud forward, slightly angle it, and pull up to remove it from the workspace. Set aside for reinstallation later.
Still having Issues?
Please create a Support Ticket by using the button below or sending an e-mail to stating you've done all previous troubleshooting steps.
- When submitting via an e-mail you may attach any pictures, videos and project files needed for support to see.
- When submitting a ticket using the button below please either respond to the automated generated email stating we have received the ticket with your pictures, videos and project files or upload these to a Google Drive or Dropbox folder and include this link within the support ticket "Your Issue" dialog upon creation.