Galvo Calibration Step By Step: r.2967+
1.. Access your machine's setup page by typing in your machine's ip address into the search engine then adding a /setup at the end.(Ex.
Note: The IP address can be found in your Touchscreen on the blue square found in the Home section or by entering the Network section.
Next, locate the Galvo Calibration page located on the left side window and select it. Scroll down until we locate Laser Focus And Lens Calibration. Place a black aluminum card directly under the red dot.
Z-Scale Calibration
Click the Home Laser Button. Once the laser is in its home position locate the stainless steel arrow on the Z tower and note the position to which the arrow is pointing. Enter the arrow position, in millimeters, below. And select Save Value.
Laser Focus and Lens Calibration
First we want to manually focus the laser to the aluminum breadboard. For reference you can jog the laser down until the red dot is at its finest point.
Next we will perform a focus test. Make sure to double check our parameters. Our default settings should be: 500- speed, 10%- power (20%pwr,45khz,200ns for MOPA) and 1mm increments.
Be sure to select your lens properly as this selection is used in the calibration process. Then you can proceed to Run Focus Job.
Note- These tests are ran on blank black aluminum business cards that can be found on amazon (Metal Business Card Blanks)
Making your focus selection
The laser will start moving up in 1mm increments and produce a grid like the one shown above. We will look for where the laser first starts its engraving and where the laser stops engraving.
Note: You should be able to see the engraving fade in and fade out and your engraving squares should be in the center of the grid produced. The photo above shows the engraving is in the center of the grid in columns 3 & 4, see that both selections are similar and that's because the lens is symmetrical.
Select the two squares that match for your engraving test, then select focus selected results you will notice your scanhead will adjust based on your selection. You can keep running this test and making your selection until the engraving squares appear in the center of the grid. If you happen to get no marks on your card you can try changing the increment to 2mm. And always check to see if the red dot is at its finest point for reference.
Run Lens Calibration
Retrieve the Calibration Card and place it so the Calibration April Tag is facing up and outside the workspace but still within the camera's view. This tag must be parallel with the workspace, if the tag is not aligned properly the calibration will be off. You can use a framing square if needed.
Get a piece of white paper and place it on the workspace and select the "Run Lens Calibration" button. During this process the red dot will move around the workspace mapping out its maximum engraving field.
Note: The red dot must stay on the white piece of paper and be free of any obstructions. If the red dot goes over the calibration tag at any time during this process, then it will need to be ran again. You will need to adjust the tag a bit farther up so it stays out of your lenses working area.
Mark Adjustment
Get a flat piece of sheet metal that is larger than your lens’ field of view and place it on the workspace. Remember to set the size of the square according to the lens installed: 50 for 100mm, 100 for 160mm, 110 for 163mm, 145 for 254mm, 225 for 330mm lens, and 288 for 420mm lens. Then we can select the “Mark Square” option. Without moving the piece of metal, take a measurement of the square. Input the exact width and height, then select save. Continue to mark the square again until it is the size we specified. Once we get the correct height you can input it into the correct fields and select save.
Note: Do not move the piece of metal as it will be used for the next part.
Preview Adjustment
Locate the Preview Adjustment section. Select the "Preview Square" button then use the adjustment buttons to line up the red laser preview with the previously marked square. Select "Save Preview Adjustment". Unsaved changes will persist until the machine is power cycled or the "Reset" button is clicked.
Galvo Laser Delay
Jog galvo head to focus position, adjusting necessary parameters this test should run fine with its current default settings and click the "RUN CALIB JOB" button. It will then generate the test pattern below.
Making Your Selections
Laser Start Delay “LSD”
Step 1. The first column we are going to want to take a look at is “LSD” Laser start delay. Under a microscope we are going to take a look at where the Laser starts and meets with the vertical line that makes up the box.
-Note we can see at 60 our horizontal line meets up perfectly with our vertical line with no overlap this is going to be a good choice for our results.
Laser End Delay “LED”
Step 2. The second column labeled as Laser End Delay “LED” should always be set to 0.
Galvo End Jump Delay “GEJD”
Step 3. The third column is going to be our Galvo End Jump Delay “GEJD”. In this column we are going to want to take a look at where the laser end on the vertical line and determine our selection.
-Note we can see at 160 our horizontal line meets up perfectly with our vertical line with no overlap this is going to be a good choice for our results.
Next we can input our final selections into the desired fields and select update. Then we are ready to start engraving.
Galvo Set Focus
Locate the galvo set focus tab on the left hand side. We want to be sure our Autofocus Mode is set to TwoDots. Next we need to adjust the secondary red dot diode manually until our secondary dot is as close as we can get to the main dot. If you can't get it exactly on top of the main dot go ahead and return to the designer page (Ex. Be sure you have no projects in the work space and go ahead and click anywhere in the blank workspace and use your keyboard arrows to jog around the main dot until the two dots are perfectly aligned. Once they are aligned go ahead and return to the setup page. Locate the galvo set focus tab on the left hand side. And select Update Ref Position. Then select test autofocus your camera will now locate the separation between the two dots and align them accordingly.
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