Sometimes when starting up or running your machine, the gantry may end up hitting your machine walls. When that happens it may be possible that your limit sensors need to be replaced.
What is a Limit Sensor?
Like the name implies, the limit sensor is a sensor make when activated will stop the gantry from moving past the its limit. If the gantry moves past the limit, then it indicates that the sensor is not functioning properly.
Locating the Limit Sensor:
There are three limit sensors along the machine. One on the X- axis and 2 on the Y-axis. By moving your gantry towards the limit sensors you'll be able to see which ones need to be replaced.
X-axis Limit Sensor:
The X-axis Limit sensor is located on the gantry at the right corner of the machine.
Y-axis Limit Sensor:
One sensor is located on the gantry near the rails, while the other is located on the on the belt block.
If your machine stops when approaching the limit sensor, then that sensor is still function. If it moves pass the sensor even slightly then the sensor should be replaced. The limit sensors can be changed by removing the m3 screws. Make sure to remove any connected cables before replacing the sensors.
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