The Muse Pandora comes with a calibration card that will be needed for the Lens Calibration. If you have lost your QR card, then a copy can printed from the Laser Tools page.
The process of calibrating your lens is broken up into 3 parts: Lens Calibration, Mark Adjustment, and preview adjustment.
Lens Calibration:
A. Place the QR card just outside the work area with the Calibration Tag facing the camera (as seen below).
B. Enter the machines setup page using the format: IP address/setup.
C. Go to the Laser Tools tab and locate the Laser Focus and Lens Calibration section.
D. Select Run Lens Calibration.
The red diode will disappear indicating that the calibration is starting. The camera will slowly turn off, then the diode will reappear and scan the work area. After the calibration is finished you will be given a pass or fail.
If your test fails it could be because your work area may be too bright or too dark. You may want to close any open blinds, turn off nearby lights, or lay a white piece of paper under the laser diode to improve visibility.
E. When the machine is successfully calibrated to the lens we need to perform mark and preview adjustments so that the laser properly engraves in it’s new work area.
Mark Adjustment:
Run the mark adjustment to verify that the lens calibration process was successful.
The speed and power don’t need to be changed but the size does. The size refers to the size of the square that will be made it’s value depends on the lens size you are using.
A. Place a flat piece of test material under the laser for marking.
Preview the square before proceeding to ensure only test material is marked.
B. Select “Mark Square”.
C. Measure the marked square. It should be the size chosen before. If the lens calibration was not done correctly then it will be off by approximately 2mm. Re-run the lens calibration and then redo the lens adjustment.
Please note that the top left corner of the square is cut off intentionally.
D. Select “Save Mark Adjustment”
Preview Adjustment:
A. Once the mark adjustment is correct. Mark a new square using the Mark Square button.
B. Without moving the part you just engraved, press “Preview Square”.
C. Use the adjustment buttons so that the tracing done by the red dot perfectly overlaps the marked square.
D. Select “Save Preview Adjustment”.
Still having Issues?
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