CO2 lasers are powered by gasses reacting to high voltage to put out a beam of concentrated energy. This process can put out significant amounts of heat and overheating can actually damage your laser tube.
Considering your chilling options is an important factor in your laser tube's lifespan.
Ideally the laser tube should be cooled with distilled water to a range between 15-20C (58-68F).
Muse Coolbox
A efficient radiator based water chiller, it cools your water to ambient air temperature using fan cooled coils. The best option for smaller lasers that operate in cooler environments. This option also offers a built in compressor for your air assist.
The WC3 Radiator Water Chiller, also known as the CW-3000, uses fan cooled coils to bring your water down to the ambient air temperature. This makes it great for cooler environments that stay below 20C (68F) year round.
The WC5 Refrigerated Water Chiller, also known as the CW-5000, uses a compressor to cool your water to the set temperature. It has 2 modes, an intelligent one that senses the correct settings, and a constant one that will keep it at a temperature you program in. This chiller is excellent for hotter environments that commonly hit above 20C (68F).
Water Bucket & Pump
A simple and easy homebrew solution. It's best for cooling smaller lasers that don't put off much heat. This system will cool your laser to the ambient water temperature for as long as your reservoir can maintain it. We recommend at least 5 gallons, though the bigger the reservoir the longer it can cool. As it's not an active solution longer jobs are not advisable unless supplemented with other cooling options. Distilled water ice cubes or frozen water bottles in the reservoir are common additions.
We have an article on how to set up your own Water Bucket Chiller.
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